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Instructions for Dip Application 

Gently push back cuticle using glass or metal cuticle pusher.

Very lightly buff nail bed, just enough to rough up the surface. 

Gently shape nails to desired shape. Pro tip: over-shaping nails will result in desired look as dip powder will dull your shape.

Wash hands with oil free soap (I like Dawn dish soap)

Dry hands thoroughly.

Apply generous amount of PH Bond. This step is not required but will aid in your mani hanging on for the long haul. Allow a few minutes for PH bond to dry fully.

Ready to dip! 

Apply thin layer of base. Some like to build an apex. An apex is the curve of your nail. To do this start in the middle of your nail making a thin line of base, dip into desired powder, and repeat the process widening the line of base with each dip until desired roundness is achieved. Although an apex is not required with all nail shapes, if your nails are flat or flip up this may help to reduce filing and buffing. 

Gently dust off excess powder between dips with fluffy or stiff brush.

Always finish the dipping process with at least one full dip, avoiding the cuticle but covering all of the side wall of your nail bed.

Our liquids are thin, 4-6+ dips will give proper protection and strengthen dip integrity. 

Apply activator and let dip harden for 2-4 minutes.

File nails 

Buff nails

Dust off any excess powder from nail beds.

Time for top coat!

Do one hand all the way through at a time.

After buffing and filing apply a generous amount of activator and set a timer for exactly two minutes to let activator dry.

Apply first pass of top coat.

Try to move quickly, covering the nail in three or less swipes. Use very gentle, “floating” pressure. Be sure to return brush to the bottle between each finger.

Once you have finished the last nail on your first hand go back to the first nail for a second more precise pass of top coat. You don’t need to be as quick about this coat.

Repeat on other hand

Once you are finished with the top coat process on both hands give your nails a good 3-5 minutes to dry.


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